Rekindling my lost love

It has been a while since I last poured my heart out on this blog, but today I’m back with a cute story to share.

Who hasn’t experienced love? Who hasn’t had their heart broken? If you have landed yourself on this blog, chances are you have wandered through life with a broken heart at least once. Remember what that feeling was like? It’s like you’re carefully assembling a beautiful puzzle, with each piece fitting perfectly into place, only for someone to knock it over and scatter the pieces in every direction. Now all the pieces lie scattered, more fragmented than when you started. And you’re left wondering if you’ll ever be able to put your puzzle back together. When two hearts unite, love comes from both the sides. Unfortunately, interest lost on one side is enough to shake the grounds of any relationship.

I had been feeling a bit lost over the past few months. What could possibly be missing? I love my work, have a good support system here in my city, I read every day, I listen to music, dance, go to the gym… Yeah, sure, from the outside it looks like a smooth boat ride.

A little over a year ago, I had parted ways with my love. For a while since then, my love had made constant efforts to pull me back, tugging gently at my heart, a string pulled me for a while before I broke it. I did not care about the love or respect we had for each other. I was just not ready for any kind of commitment. Not just commitment, I found myself coming up with new excuses to not spend time with my love. So it happened, we parted ways.

So a few months ago, when I wanted to get back together, my love showed me the door: a big NO echoed in my heart for a while. And ever since then, an emptiness had lingered inside me. Obviously not knowing where all the emptiness was stemming from, I started looking for the lost piece of puzzle in all the wrong places. I have wandered cafes and cities in search for that lost piece. I strolled through parks, jogged around the lake, scoured every corner in the gym. I even gallivanted through different libraries and bookstores, searching for an answer in novels. Can you believe it, I checked out the crime fiction section as well? All this to no avail - nothing fit.


Looking for answers in the pages of novels....


So last Sunday morning, my dream of reuniting with my love jolted me awake and I realised what that missing piece was. I did not want to let go of another opportunity to fit that piece back into the puzzle. So I rushed to get a piece of paper and pen and started writing. Now, you might be wondering why I didn’t just pick up the phone.

Those who know me well know by now that I am talking about my long lost love - writing. It’s been so long since I poured my heart out. This blog was born out of that love - a place where I could share the beautiful lessons I’ve gleaned from books, conversations, and life. My puzzle fell apart when I stopped writing and I have been searching to fill the emptiness ever since. While most love stories involve people, some of the deepest loves we experience are for our passions. For me, this love is writing.

In the chaos of life, we sometimes lose sight of what brings us true joy and what makes us who we are! We chase the chaos and forget what makes us truly happy.

So here’s a sweet reminder for all of us, in the midst of the madness around you, find time for what brings you joy, for what makes you, you. There’s magic in it - a lot of magic!

This time, I smiled and promised myself and my love to write more often, to nurture this relationship, to prove that I’m worth the second chance. And just like that, my love smiled back.


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