5 things to leave behind in 2021

  1. Conventional wisdom - Let go of the sticky grip of conventionality. Ask questions. It’s easy to cling to conventional wisdom because it’s tried and tested. It’s tempting to continue doing it because it’s our comfort zone. Growth and opportunities lie outside the comfort zone. When things have been tried through generations, we stick to them, we fail to question. Our true happiness might not lie in them but we are conditioned to accept it because it has happened through generations. We dismiss any contradicting questions by simply saying, “this is normal, this is what life is” - never knowing that life is not lived on accepted norms of society. 

  2. Not taking care of your mental and physical health - Start taking care of yourself. We tend to take this aspect of our life for granted until it’s too late. Covid has been a drain on our health - lockdowns have been stressful. Lockdowns have also made us lazy - a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of many diseases. Bad mental and physical health also lead to unhappiness. Get up, get active, understand your health and take actions to improve it. Also, very important, remember to seek help when you need it.

  3. Unnecessary spending - I love shopping. Retail therapy works very well for me. I used to have a lot of junk in my wardrobe and recently found myself spending too much time deciding what to wear - only to come to a realisation that I don’t wear half of what I have in my wardrobe.  Be conscious of your expenses. If you go shopping, think once before buying something. Sometimes things fancy us in that moment, but never come to use otherwise. Such things are an unnecessary strain on our finances. 

  4. Clutter in your wardrobe -  Unnecessary purchases are not just a strain on our finances but also our wardrobe and consequently our minds. A disorganised, cluttered wardrobe creates a negative impact on our brains. Do a Marie Kondo - sell whatever you don’t need or don’t wear. Trust me, it’s a simple technique to declutter your thoughts and become more organised. Another better option - regifting. Believe in the power of regifting. If you have that clock sitting at your home that someone gifted to you but you are never going to use it, give it to someone who would.

  5. Excuses - You don’t go to the gym because you don’t want to, not because it’s raining or you had a long day at work or your cat is sick. Stop lying to yourself - if you don’t want to go to the gym, simply own it. Excuses only make you feel better in the short term as you are trying to make yourself believe that something/someone else is responsible for your actions. Excuses don’t let you take action. Assume responsibility, be true to yourself, and take action - these are the things that would lead to growth.


10 minutes of oblivion